Thursday 15 December 2011

Multicam colours

Right- by popular demand!

All colours Vallejo:

Basecoat: Army Painter Skeleton Bone spray primer/ undercoat, or 819 Iraqi sand

874 USA Tan earth
967 Olive Green
882 Middlestone
893 US Dark Green
823 German Camo Pale Brown

Small squiggles:
872 Choc brown
837 Pale sand

Tuesday 6 December 2011

WW2 28mm Sikhs

An interesting diversion- sixteen Sikhs from Artizan now finished and based. They aren't the most 'realistic' figures, but I like the 'Commando' comic book look to them!

Saturday 3 December 2011

28mm Brits finished

I've finished the four Empress British in multicam and handed them over to a very pleased friend who serves in the infantry!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

28mm Modern Brits in MTP- based

I'm doing these as a present for a friend currently serving in the British Army. I've finished the figure painting and basing, and am just waiting on a turned hardwood plinth to mount them on.

28mm WW2 Artizan Sikhs

I got these as part of a group of sixteen as a present. Nice detailed sculpts with plenty of character!

28mm WW2 US Marines Pacific- camo uniforms

A few US Pacific War Marines from Brigade Games. I meant to do a few more with the camo uniform option in my platoon, but kept forgetting when I picked the brushes up after a break!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Modern British Infantry MTP

A few ultra modern Brits from Empress.

Sunday 28 August 2011

1990s US Rangers

Really nice sculpts from MoFo (bought from Gripping Beast). Just wish they did more packs with some more support.

Somalian mob

Somalian mob from a job lot of Britannia miniatures from eBay. Not the best sculpts, but quite good fun to paint- a few have numbers painted on the back of their football shirts!

Bin Laden

The limited edition Osama Bin Laden from TAG.

Saturday 18 June 2011

T-55 Tanks finished

I've now finished the four diecast T-55 tanks, two green, two desert. The tanks were advertised as 1/43, but are pretty much bang on 1/50 when measured up, which is my preferred vehicle scale for use with 28mm miniatures. The US ranger is a 28mm MoFo figure.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Sneak peak- diecast 1/50 scale Soviet T-55 tanks

I've now started importing copies of Soviet arms from China! Four T-55 tanks arrived (in around six days- amazing!) and I'm half way through painting them up. The models are really detailed and have moving plastic running gear under a diecast metal chassis upper and turret.

I'll sell one of each colour on eBay and keep the other two- probably won't make any profit, but as shipping is negligible extra for a couple more than I want I often make the surplus available to anyone who wants to bid.

Dinky Berliet Gazelle truck

I found this truck in a very sorry state up the loft- I think I've had it since I was around eight years old!

Stripped in boiling water and caustic soda, resprayed and it'll do nicely as a generic Third World heavy duty truck. :O)

28mm Britannia Somalis

Not the best sculpts, but part of a job lot on eBay and looking forward to using them for the Ambush Alley/ Force on Force 'Day of The Ranger' scenarios:

Monday 30 May 2011

The Assault Group WW2 USMC

Just finished off some more of my lead mountain of WW2 stuff.

I've got about another dozen USMC to paint to complete the platoon.

The Higgins boat- style landing craft was a plastic toy I repainted.

Saturday 14 May 2011

28mm MoFo 1990s Delta

1990s Delta from MoFo, bought from Gripping Beast. Lovely figures and I wish they did more in the range.

Solido VAB

A French VAB 4x4 armoured vehicle picked up on eBay and given a new lease of life.

It's a generic enough shape and colour scheme to be used to approximate a number of vehicles and I'll use it as part of the relief convoy in my Black Hawk Down scenarios.